Hey, where are all the black people at?
Keith, just so you know, they are at tea parties getting beaten up by SEIU thugs and having their skin cropped cropped out of the shot by racist network news editors.
There is this to be said in behalf of avowed and doctrinaire
The religion of socialism will come into its own, its devotees maintain, only when the devil worship of capitalism is done in.
socialists, that their faith in the State is sublime. To them, the
institution of political power is the unerring shepherd of the flock,
the guide to the Good Society; it is also the antidote for all evil,
the maker of abundance, the embodiment of justice, the sublimation of
human aspirations. That they believe. To be sure, they affect an
elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism,
which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian
economics. Logic and fact without end have been applied to these
notions to prove that they are only notions. But all this cerebration
has turned out to be sheer waste of effort as far as influencing the
true worshipers is concerned. They still believe. One cannot help but
marvel at, and admire, their devotional integrity.
Justice is advertising for prospective trial attorneys in its Civil Rights Division. The ad specifically says that the department encourages applicants who suffer from “mental retardation” and “mental illness.” It is one thing to accommodate those with illnesses that do not otherwise render them unfit to serve in a highly demanding and elite corps of DOJ attorneys; but to seek out those who are “mentally retarded” for special consideration is certainly novel.Here is the screenshot for your non-progressive eyes to see. Progressives will not need to see evidence with their eyes. They process every vying truth claim through their ideology lobe instead of using common sense and getting the facts straight.
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