02 March 2010

The True Voice of Obama Revealed at Last

From all signs, Resident Obama's real voice is not the mellifluous baritone with which we are so familiar from his 450 or so public speeches in 2009. In reality, it's more of a nasal, high-pitched north-side Chicago accent.

Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech

Check it out, check-it-outers (props to RedEye)

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Why pick on Progressives?

Progressives are neo-barbarian, luddite fools who want to replace all scientific progress with their failed, pseudo-scientific, utopian fairy tale and take us back to the paleolithic period. In other words they are douchebags.

Q: Do you have a problem with Progressive Insurance?

We don't have a problem with their insurance product. But the company is also a major giver of money to politically progressive causes, and because of that the owners and managers are total douchebags.

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