17 September 2009

Am I a racist if I think Maxine Waters is an idiot?

I sure hope not, because that's exactly what she is. An idiot. Hopefully, soon, she'll be a convicted idiot.

Waters is accused of pulling strings to set up a meeting last year between black-owned banks and Treasury Department officials. She says she wanted to be sure those banks were included when the government offered money to bail out financial institutions in trouble. One black-owned bank - OneUnited - asked for 50 million dollars in government money. Waters and her husband owned hundreds of thousands of dollars in OneUnited stock. Treasury officials say they didn’t know that; Waters says she disclosed it in official filings. The Office on Congressional Ethics – which sifts through ethics complaints about House members - looked into the Waters case. It referred it to a House committee – and that committee has voted unanimously to continue the Waters investigation for another 45 days.


After a career helping little Acorns to grow, she voted with an all-douchebag progressive wad against defunding Acorn in the house vote today.
She praises Fidel Castro.
If you type Maxine Waters into a Google search, one of the top searches related to Maxine Waters is "Maxine Waters idiot"
So am I a racist because this idiot identifies herself by the color of her skin as an African American and I happen to think she's a friggin' idiot, or is Maxine Waters just a friggin' idiot?

"She's a fucking idiot"

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Why pick on Progressives?

Progressives are neo-barbarian, luddite fools who want to replace all scientific progress with their failed, pseudo-scientific, utopian fairy tale and take us back to the paleolithic period. In other words they are douchebags.

Q: Do you have a problem with Progressive Insurance?

We don't have a problem with their insurance product. But the company is also a major giver of money to politically progressive causes, and because of that the owners and managers are total douchebags.

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